Dance of the Month Directions
Saint Martin’s Lane DM1, 1696; rec. Christine Helwig, 1988 Triple minor longways, 2/2 meter HISTORICAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-8 1st man does the following: Cast to 2nd place, 2nd man moving up (4 steps) 2-hand turn with 3rd woman (8) Dance back up the outside to top place, 2nd man moving down (4) A2 1-8 2nd woman does likewise: Cast to 2nd place, 2nd woman moving up (4) 2-hand turn with 3rd man (8) Dance back up the outside to top place, 2nd woman moving down (4) B 1-8 1s do the following: Lead down middle to 2nd place, 2s moving up the outside (4) Dance a full double figure-8 with the 3s, 1s cross down while 3s cast up to begin, ending with 1s in 2nd place facing up (12) 9-14 Dance a full double figure-8 with the 2s, 1s cross up while 2s cast down to begin, ending with 1s in progressed place (12) 15-19 All 2-hand turn partner POSITIONAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-8 Top dancer on the 1st long diagonal: Cast down to 2nd place, neighbor moving up (4 steps) 2-hand turn with corner below (8) Dance back up the outside to top place, neighbor moving down (4) A2 1-8 Top dancer on the 2nd long diagonal does likewise: Cast down to 2nd place, neighbor moving up (4) 2-hand turn with corner below (8) Dance back up the outside to top place, neighbor moving down (4) B 1-8 1s do the following: Lead down middle to 2nd place, 2s moving up the outside (4) Dance a full double figure-8 with the 3s, 1s cross down while 3s cast up to begin, ending with 1s in 2nd place facing up (12) 9-14 Dance a full double figure-8 with the 2s, 1s cross up while 2s cast down to begin, ending with 1s in progressed place (12) 15-19 All 2-hand turn partner VIDEO LINK PDF LINK Saint Martin’s Lane DOTM directions |
The Fandango Thompson, 1774; rec. Porter, 1931 3 couple longways, 6/8 meter HISTORICAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-8 1s R-hand turn, end facing up, cast to 2nd place as 2s move up A2 1-8 1s L-hand turn, end facing up, cast to 3rd place as 3s move up to make a ring of 6 B1 1-8 Hands-6 to the L, then back to the R B2 1-6 1s lead to top, cast to 2nd place as 3s move down 7-8 1s turn single down & away A3 1-4 1s 2-hand turn 1st corners 5-8 1s 2-hand turn partner A4 1-4 1s 2-hand turn 2nd corners, with 1s ending in 2nd place improper 5-8 1s 2-hand turn 1½ accelerating into skipping B3 1-6 1s go L (man up, woman down) for full figure-8 through standing end couples 7-8 1s pass by L to switch ends (man down, woman up) B4 1-6 L-shoulder heys for 3 across the set 7-8 1s meet & lead to the bottom as 3s cast up to middle place POSITIONAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-8 1s R-hand turn, end facing up, cast to 2nd place as 2s move up A2 1-8 1s L-hand turn, end facing up, cast to 3rd place as 3s move up to make a ring of 6 B1 1-8 Hands-6 to the L, then back to the R B2 1-6 1s lead to top, cast to 2nd place as 3s move down 7-8 1s turn single down & away A3 1-4 1s 2-hand turn 1st corners 5-8 1s 2-hand turn partner A4 1-4 1s 2-hand turn 2nd corners, with 1s ending in 2nd place crossed over 5-8 1s 2-hand turn 1½ accelerating into skipping B3 1-6 1s go L for full figure-8 through standing end couples 7-8 1s pass by L to switch ends B4 1-6 L-shoulder heys for 3 across the set 7-8 1s meet & lead to the bottom as 3s cast up to middle place VIDEO LINK |
The Severn Bore Fried de Metz Herman, 1991 Duple minor, 3/4 (triple time) HISTORICAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-4 1M sets forward R to 2W & L to 1W, then turns single back to place 5-8 1M, 1W & 2W circle 3 to L, releasing hands on bar 7 to dance forward to place A2 1-4 1W sets forward R to 1M & L to 2M, then turns single back to place 5-8 1W, 1M & 2M circle 3 to L, releasing hands on bar 7 to dance forward to place B1 1-4 1s meet & face down (3), lead down (6) & change hands to face up (3) while 2s cast up to follow their 1s (6) & lead down (6) 5-6 1s lead up while 2s (facing down) back up 7-8 2s split the 1s for mirror shoulder round ¾ into a line of 4 across, 2s on the outside, 1s back-to-back in the center, all facing neighbor B2 1-6 R-shoulder hey for 4 across set until 1s meet 2nd time 7-8 1s L-hand turn halfway into progressed place, while 2s loop into progressed place POSITIONAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-4 Top 1st corner sets forward R to corner & L to partner, then turns single back to place 5-8 Those 3 circle to L, releasing hands on bar 7 to dance forward to place A2 1-4 Top 2nd corner sets forward R to partner & L to corner, then turns single back to place 5-8 Those 3 circle to L, releasing hands on bar 7 to dance forward to place B1 1-4 1s meet & face down (3), lead down (6) & change hands to face up (3) while 2s cast up to follow their 1s (6) & lead down (6) 5-6 1s lead up while 2s (facing down) back up 7-8 2s split the 1s for mirror shoulder round ¾ into a line of 4 across, 2s on the outside, 1s back-to-back in the center, all facing neighbor B2 1-6 R-shoulder hey for 4 across set until 1s meet 2nd time 7-8 1s L-hand turn halfway into progressed place, while 2s loop into progressed place VIDEO LINK |
Prince William Walsh, 1731; rec. Pat Shaw, 1960 3 couple longways, 4/4 meter HISTORICAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-8 Crossover mirror hey: 1s cross down, 2s up the outside, 3s meet & lead up A2 1-8 That again, 1s crossing back to own side (all home) B1 1-8 1s cross straight over and dance down to 2nd place while 2s lead up, then 1s turn partner 2 hands 1½ to end proper B2 1-8 2s the same 1s contra corners: A3 1-4 2s move up the outside to 1st place while 1M precedes his partner to turn 3W R hand while 1W turn 2M in 1st place R hand 5-8 1s (in middle place) turn partner L hand A4 1-4 1s turn 2nd corners R hand 5-8 1s turn partner L hand in middle to face the women’s line (1M above) 1s solo track: B3 1-8 1s lead thru the women and cast back to middle of set, turn partner 2 hands to end facing the men’s line (1W above) B4 1-8 1s lead thru the men and cast back to middle of set, turn partner 2 hands, moving down to 3rd place proper while 3s cast up to middle place, staying wide and facing up for next round (progressed order: 2-3-1) POSITIONAL DIRECTIONS A1 1-8 Crossover mirror hey: 1s cross down, 2s up the outside, 3s meet & lead up A2 1-8 That again, 1s crossing back to own side (all home) B1 1-8 1s cross straight over and dance down to 2nd place while 2s lead up, then 1s turn partner 2 hands 1½ to end original side B2 1-8 2s the same 1s contra corners: A3 1-4 2s move up the outside to 1st place while 1s approach 1st corner* to turn R hand 5-8 1s (in middle place) turn partner L hand A4 1-4 1s turn 2nd corners R hand 5-8 1s turn partner L hand in middle to face R wall, (R-file dancer on the R) 1s solo track: B3 1-8 1s lead thru the R-file and cast back to middle of set, turn partner 2 hands 1½ to end facing L wall, (R-file dancer on the R) B4 1-8 1s lead thru the L-file and cast back to middle of set, turn partner 2 hands, moving down to 3rd place original side while 3s cast up to middle place, staying wide and facing up for next round (progressed order: 2-3-1) * If the 1’s were in 2nd place with the 2’s above and 3’s below, their 1st corners would be the dancers on their right diagonal. At the start of A3, these same dancers are the 1st corners for the 1s, even though the 1’s start from top place. VIDEO LINK |
Hambleton’s Round O DM 2, 1710; rec. Bentley, 1962 Triple minor, 3/2 (triple time) HISTORICAL DIRECTIONS A 1-2 1s cast down to middle place, 2s move up 3-6 L shoulder heys across: 1M down w/ 3s, 1W up w/ 2s 7-8 1s 2-hand turn in middle place B 1-2 Top 4, 1st corner positions change, 2nd corner positions change 3-4 Same 4 circle L halfway, turn single R 5-8 Same 4 four changes of a circular hey, beginning R-shoulder with partner POSITIONAL DIRECTIONS A 1-2 1s cast down to middle place, 2s move up 3-6 1s go R for heys for 3 across the set passing corner dancer L shoulder to start 7-8 1s 2-hand turn in middle place B 1-2 Top 4, 1st corner positions change, 2nd corner positions change 3-4 Same 4 circle L halfway, turn single R 5-8 Same 4 four changes of a circular hey, beginning R-shoulder with partner VIDEO LINK |